Where to start. To make a short story long, I have had the best day. I got a phone call from work, so I left class a little early to take care of that. I looked at my watch and saw that I had just enough time to stop by the campus book store to buy my wife a t-shirt. . I found a couple of LMU shirts, a hot pink one and a grey one, for my wife. I wasn’t hungry so I drove back to my dorm room at lunch. There was only one parking space and it was close to the dorm, and it was shaded by the most beautiful old tree. When I got out of the car I thought about how long that tree had been there. I thought about all of the young couples that have passed by that tree during their stay here on this scenic campus. I admired its majestic size. I thought what a complex creation…proof of God. I grabbed my bags and made my way to the dorm.
Have you ever had one of those days where you keep locking yourself outside? Well good. That makes me feel better. I have only done that twice today. I grabbed my keys and ran out of the dorm to my car to get my books. It was only 92 degrees and muggy. I found out that I had grabbed my school keys instead of my car keys, so I run (well, I didn’t actually run. You should know me better than that) back to the dorm. That’s right. I couldn’t get back in. I couldn’t get in my car and I couldn’t get back in the dorm. I waited for a while, and then Darnell saw me sweating outside the basement door of the dorm so he came to my rescue and let me in. I thought, just to be sure, I would do it all over again. I went back into my dorm room and apparently forgot what I was doing, but I did remember that I needed a certain book so I left my room door open and headed toward my car. Yes, I remembered I need to get my car keys as the door closed. With white finger tips I tried to will the door open but it just was not to be. However, today is my lucky day. One the maintenance/custodial people was leaving, so I played it off like I had just gotten to the door as she left.
I finally got back into my room with all of my books, and since my car started cutting out yesterday, I decided not to drive my car any more until I left for home. I have been thinking that it is bad gas, and since I am almost out, I would just wait to fill up before I go home. I called Stephanie, an elementary school principal from the county where I teach, and made arrangements to ride with her to class. After class we stopped by the library and commented on how crazy the sky looked and how hard the wind was blowing. As we left the library my phone began ringing, but I was distracted by the sheet metal stop signs shaking wildly. I accidently hung up on the caller when I tried to answer, and looked down at my phone trying to figure out who was calling. I got another call. I answered. That is why I didn’t immediately notice the tree limb sticking out of the soft top on my little car. It was then, too, that I noticed the 20 ft. tree (yes I am probably exaggerating) that had just fallen on my car from about 40 or 50 feet up in the air. My heart only hurt for a minute. Notice the limb sticking out of my top.

EDL 822 (Ind. & Org. Dev.) – I should not get fixated when people mis-pronounce words. I am not sure if it my English background or my linguistic background that forces me to notice these things and dwell on them much too long, but I just can’t help it. Dr. Carter pronounces archetype so that it rhymes with march-type instead of mark-type, the way it is supposed to be pronounced. The "ch" in archetype is a transliteration of the Greek chi (χ) and is most commonly articulated in English as a "k". Transliteration is opposed to transcription, which specifically maps the sounds of one language to the best matching script of another language. Anywho, my articulation professor never told me that dwelling on such things would cause 500 lb. tree limbs to fall on one’s car.
New Word – Tree limb
New Idea – Parking-in-the-Shade Theory
EDL 831 (Doc. Seminar II) –
Brownism – There was a good one, but I can’t remember it. Between the time I heard it and now, a tree fell on my car.
Michael Land remembered the Brownism for the day - Charts and graphs are like children, some you are so proud for everyone to see and others you just leaving playing in the back yard.
Lunch – I was busy parking in the shade.
EDL 823 (Ch. & Ent.) – I can’t remember a thing. Harrison does a great job, but it seems as though he feels he is evaluated on the number of words he says during a class period, so he tries to break his record from the day before. HE is really knowledgeable for a young guy. I enjoy his class, but I can’t really remember much from today because a tree fell on my car.
PLP/Field Study – Idk, but the wind was really blowing hard today.
Research Groups – I made a breakthrough with my Lincoln research. I found a biography and a diary from one of Lincoln’s closest advisors, Senator Orville Browning.
Evening – This INFP is staying in. Remember to hug your cars tonight.
It's too cold Out tide.
My daughter, Emily Rascoe, sent me over here. She said you were funny. She was right.
You are too kind. I sure do miss teaching with Emily. I loved working with her.
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