Friday, June 18, 2010

GEE HAW (or the Hooey Stick)- Playing Well w/ Others – 6/18/10 Friday, day 6

Do you know what a hooey stick is? It how different parts work together that makes the do-hickey on the end work/spin. Too many times we try to make the do-hickey turn in isolation and we create work for ourselves when there is no need for all the extra effort.

My theme for today is Collaboration. It is one of the hardest things for me to do. There are so many factors that go into the process that I cannot control. Why can’t this thing be easy? There are many times in the course of a day or period of time where I ask why another person and I are not gee hawing the way I would like. Used in olden days in reference to working oxen or horses, Gee meant to turn to the right. Haw meant to turn to the left. Also, it is used in correlation to getting along or being able to work together. G-haul used in correlation as above in similar with getting along, in parts of the South or Deep South.

EDL 822 (Ind. & Org. Dev.) – Watched a video…It made me angry, but I am investigating why I might be insensitive or if I am being insensitive. Other people’s systems tend to make us uncomfortable if they do not geehaw with our own system. Does rivalry breed development? Competition vs. Collaboration…Is competition a kind of collaboration. Do they exist on a continuum where one evolves from one to the other or are the two ideas mutually exclusive? Capacity becomes key. Whether or not things exist in harmony depends on capacity, and all of that is relative. One is thing is for sure…Dogmatism is not very collaborative. Here is the link to the video if you would like to view it ahead of time in order to super prepared. As you watch it, or if you watch it, ask yourself how could the collaboration between all parties improve.

Here is a link to the video.

New Word – Guinea Worm
New Idea – ROI from Ron (This is my new source for new ideas).

EDL 831 (Doc. Seminar II) – ANOVA – differences in means of more than 2 groups. Again, and I don’t mean to beat a dead horse, but Brown and Henderson collaborate well.

Brownism – “Don’t get curious beyond our knowledge.”

Lunch – eh…the cafeteria was so much better last summer. I do not know why I originally wrote yesterday. I am not sure if it is because there are so many people here this summer with the two new cohorts and the upward bound program. It is also important to not that the bookstore is closed when we are free to go there. it is closed during lunch and then it closes again at 4.

EDL 823 (Ch. & Ent.) – Friday afternoon is tough. I do not feel as though I collaborated well.

PLP/Field Study – Work on Meyers-B skit. Collaborated. I do not collaborate well with people. It really causes me anxiety even with fantastic people.

Research Groups – Coding for qualitative researchers - not much collaboration

Evening – Skits, Mexican night - student products exhibiting collaboration.

By the way, this is a hooey stick

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