I love a good Powerpoint as much as anyone, and that is all I am going to say about that.
Nothing funny. Nothing new. However it is odd having the new folk here. I sat this morning and listened to a conversation among three young ladies (one from Oak Ridge and the other two from Metro Atlanta) who sound much like we did last summer. It is an odd feeling to move perspectives so quickly.
EDL 822, Ind. & Org. Development – We received a new assignment list because Dr. Carter had to make adjustments. Apparently we are leaving by noon on Friday, and she originally had something planned for that last Friday. Today, the topic is Prisoners of the System or Prisoners of Our Own Thinking and we will learn more about the Left-Hand Column activity which is due tomorrow. Class discussion got me to thinking, so I wrote this poem for you.
those: without the ousity and ness
i m everything i ve ever known
from mother s heart to fog this morning
how we re different s opaquely clear
enough to know but depth curious
a silhouette provokes androgenous
sex, culture, shared ambiguous
slow to write from guilt
why s it hard to value difference
we hide our parts like eve & adam
arbitrary choice excludes aquellos
just in case avoids the confrontation
slow to intimate from guilt
child or adult comfortable
Apparently, we have more similarities than differences. It seems as if we have a tendency to find differences which can be a difficult exercise. We add suffixes…I think from a sense of guilt that we will be judged harshly for getting the offensive joke, or maybe even liking it.
BREAKING NEWS: Apparently we have to read Team of Rivals to do an assignment for the Development (Carter) class and write a 10 page paper that is due 11 days (July 7) after the last day of the summer session. There is a bit of concern regarding the practicality of such an assignment; it has 900 + pages. Dr. Carter implied that Team of Rivals is required reading and we should have known that.
BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: No worries…The program is buying twenty copies that will be located in the library. Only have to read the first four chapters to complete the assignment (case study). We will see. Due date is the same.
I am about to start feeling negatively. I will try to omit the tone of that as I write.
EDL 831, Doctoral Seminar II –
The topic of the day: Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r)
Dr. Brown’s quote of the day: “When you don’t understand something, you say, ‘I am not satisfied with what I found.’”
Brown highly recommends a book for quantitative researchers…Statistics in a Nutshell by Boslaugh and Watters.
I sincerely wish that I would have taken this class first. It may have made a difference in some of the decisions I have made concerning my dissertation. For me, the explanations have
LUNCH – not good
EDL 823, Change and Entrepreneurship – Again, from Wikipedia Knowledge management (KM) comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizational processes or practice.
SWOT – Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
PLP/Field Study
Edited to remove the yawn. Groups met to discuss skits based on MBTI. Fun...interesting. Our two groups consist of good people. They are funny. But refrain from the use of certain expressions like crack pot.
Research Groups
To boycott or not to boycott. That is the question. Apparently Qualitative and Quantitative are meeting together to focus on Quan. Qual is feeling a little left out. We are actually running correlations with data from the Florida DOE website. A yawn for me, ,but I hope to not even have to number my pages.
I would love to have some time to work on my diss. Have you ever taught two classes at the very same time? I feel like I am taking two at the very same time. The trick is figuring out which one to focus on.
I miss Anna, Chesni, Leejay, Chloe, and Celie….badly.
Thanks again Lee...."Team of Rivals" really? I have the book and read half of it an got tired.....it's good but LONG!!! Noting like springing 900 pages on you....Joel
You've referenced Hamlet? Oh, my. . .things are bad in dissertation world!
I definitely want to read STATISTICS IN A NUTSHELL when you're finished.
I *wish* I could be finishing up a doctoral program. Alas, the children need raisin', and with my hubby away, I guess "I'm IT!"
Keep the faith, Lee. Hoops. Jump through 'em. If they're on fire, try not to get burned :)
Keep up the good fight, bro!
Oh, no! Things are bad if you're putting up images of Hamlet!
Keep the faith, dawg. You got this.
I envy you--wish I could be in a doctoral program. But, alas, my children need raisin', and with hubby gone, I guess I've been tagged "it."
P.S.--I wanna read STATISTICS IN A NUTSHELL when you've finished. That's right up my alley :)
Thanks Lee...another reading assignment?? Oh no!! Oh well...900 pages can't be that bad can it?? LOL We are thinking of you!!
Wow! So much for having more time to work on the dissertations. Only three more semesters. Reminds me of Dorothy clicking her shoes and saying, "There's no place like home."
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