I am traveling with Group B and we began with EDL 822 (8-10), Individual and Organizational Development with Dr. Karen Carter. We are only using livetext for two assignments. We are using blackboard for the rest of them. Blackboard seems to be a lot more user friendly. However, I saved it instead of submitting it and then when I went back in to submit it is said that I had already submitted it. I hope it got submitted. Either way I am fine with it. The first assignment was difficult for me. According to Dr. Carter and the directions, it should have taken about an hour to complete, but it took me an hour and a half. It seems like one of those things everyone should do every once in a while, but for the purposes of this program it seems a little redundant. Sometimes I wonder how familiar the professors are with the program. I thought must of us developed our vision/mission as part of the application/interview process.
After a short break, we headed to EDL 831 (10:15-12:15)Doctoral seminar with Drs. Brown, Rogers, and Henderson. Dr. Brown explained that he is most interested in getting our Chapter 3, and since this class is p/f there is no need to focus on anything else but Ch. 3. Brown's quote of the day: An EdD gives one a confidence where ignorance can't stop you from thinking you know everything. His take on variables is interesting.
He also went on to say that he used to think he knew more than he did, but that he now thinks he knows less than he really does which is probably a better place to be. I like Dr. Brown. I love his delivery. However, I would prefer that he not assign any more grades for me. He really beat me up last term on the article review he graded. Of course he was right, but before grading I like to be criticized, but when the grade is assigned I want to be loved on. I would have liked to get the articles graded before the last week of the semester. I like re-dos. I think I am too much of a teacher to be involved in higher education.
Lunch was really good. There was Pork Stir-fry that was made to order right in front of me. In the other line was cabbage, okra, ham and cornbread. Cornbread is a good thing.
Speaking of professors who just might be able to teach...Dr. John Harrison, the professor of our next class, EDL 823 (1:00-3:00)Change & Entrpreneurship, might just be able to teach. He seems really young. I am little afraid to ask him how old he is. He seems like a genuinely good guy. I wonder if he energy is authentic. He did look at his phone for a few moments while someone was answering his question or giving an introduction (I can't remember which). And he seemed a little awkward when one of the class members explained that she lost her job due to recent cuts. I think he said..."Things will work out for you." It seemed a little bit Benny-Hinnish to me. Again, I think he will be just fine. I do not expect for him to tell us he has 6 figures in the bank, or that he is a bow-tie kinda guy, or that he might win a self-nominated award for being something that he is not. Wow, he looks 23 years old. He did mention he has a daughter.
At 3:15 we made it to Dr. High's and Dr. C. Norris's Personal Leadership Plan/Field Study. We did not meet long as a large group. We broke into our smaller (Dr. High) groups to work on our skits. I was adopted by Susan, Sandi, Tracy, and Michael.
At 4:10 we broke into three research groups (Qual, Quan, and Mixed). I went with the qualitative group and Dr. Rogers.
My biggest question is whether or not we are having gravy tonight.
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