When I was in the 8th grade, a little girl named Kim (she is now a principal in Hamblen County, Tennessee) wrote in my yearbook, “You are such a sweat dud.” It took me about four years to realize she meant “sweet dude.” It was then I felt guilty about the negativity that I had harbored for her. I couldn’t believe she thought I was a dud. I judged her for her last worst performance rather than on all of the pleasant experiences we had shared through middle school. I am sure she is used to that by now. That is usually how administrators are judged. I can’t remember specifics, but I am pretty sure I was mean to her when the opportunity presented itself. That brings me to the negativity that I feel right now; that I know I shouldn’t feel.
Tomorrow is my little girl’s birthday. She will be 11 years old. This will be the first birthday I have ever missed for one of my kids. I feel negatively about this.
I am falling victim to my negativity bias. I can’t help but think about what I am missing out on these two weeks: time with my family, my little girl’s birthday tomorrow, the season premiere of Trueblood on HBO (my wife and I love to watch it…for completely different reasons), my dogs, looney tunes, my bed, falling asleep with Anna, and waking up with Anna, Chloe, Celie, a dog, and running down the steps for granola. I really should be focusing on what I am gaining over the next couple of weeks. Any ideas?
EDL 822 (Ind. & Org. Dev.) - I try to work at night, but I am too tired…not exhausted, just tired of thinking by the time evening comes. What I have been doing for the past few days is wake up at 3 or 4 am when my mind is clear and complete as much as I can. I love turning things in on Blackboard as opposed to livetext. Thank you Dr. Carter. There are some considerations. She asks that when we turn things in to Blackboard or Livetext that we name the documents in the following manner
firstname.lastname – name of assignment
lee.collins – case study
This is probably something we should have been doing all along (it could just be my negativity coming out again). On a positive note, she is allowing us to choose our own articles (2 total). I am thinking I may modify one I have already done. Another thing I am noticing is that this class and the Change and Entrepreneur class are really similar. When I finally got around to completing my assignment I realized that I could not discern the problems we discussed in the 8 o’clock class from the 1 o’clock class. Just keep that in mind as you take notes in those two classes.
NEW WORD FOR THE DAY: Blamestorming
NEW IDEA FOR THE DAY: Negative Dominance Theory – The theory that states people put a greater value on losses than we do on gains.
EDL 831 (doctoral sem. II) –
I enjoy Dr. Brown’s introductions. I am sure it is not everyone’s cup of tea, but I feel he is truly trying to make an impact on us and make a connection with us. Today we are discussing whey we are doing what we are doing, and then Dr. Henderson is going over multiple regression.
Dr. Brown’s Quote of the DAY – Doing nothing can be fun, but the more you learn the less you want to do nothing, and we can make you really miserable if we just teach you enough.
A close second would be… “Mathematics can be empowering. You can predict what people are going to do before they do it. He does it too. Look at Dr. Henderson. He just sits around and grins about it.”
Lunch – not so hot. If the theme last year was gravy, the theme this year is Ukranian Lasagna. Lasagnenko.
EDL 823 (Change & Entrep.) – Systems Principles. Dr. Harrison was nice enough to pick up tri-fold display boards for one of our assignments, The Presentation of Change Model posters. I am pretty sure the cost is $6.25. You may want to bring one if you don’t want in on the fun, and remember if you are going to change the individual, you have to change the system.
PLP/Field Study – We tried again to input the data for the MBTI or the MTBI. It didn’t work for me. Hopefully, they will have it streamlined by the end of this session.
Research Groups – I need research time I think I will take it tonight.
Evening – I am feeling a little anti-social. During the last half I felt as though I needed to INFP. I do not know if my negativity bias is controlling my feelings or what. I think I am going to INFP right now. If I wait any longer, I may INFP all over myself. I am foregoing dinner and going back to my room and going to bed so I can wake up later and write.
Happy birthday, Chesni. I love you as big as the world.
- Lee Collins, one sweat dud
1 comment:
Sounds like another fun time in Harrogate. I really hoped that we would get time to work on our dissertations. Read another book--great! Especially about Lincoln.
I'm glad you are doing this blog, so we know what is coming in July. Maybe I'm not glad--ignorance might be bliss.
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