Thursday, June 24, 2010

Don't do it. - 6/24/10 – Thursday day 12

One more day

Dont do presentations without representation. If asked to share a few minutes, of one's dissertation to the big dogs, simply pass.

On a not-so-serious note, the entire event reminds me of when Jeff Spicoli ordered the pizza in Mr. Hand’s class.

[Spicoli has had a pizza delivered to class]
Mr. Hand: Am I hallucinating here? Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?
Jeff Spicoli: Learning about Cuba, and having some food.

EDL 822 (Ind. & Org. Dev.) – Dr. Hubbard spoke on Lincoln for the Case Study.

New Word – none for the day
New Idea – none for the day

EDL 831 (Doc. Seminar II) – Talked about Chapters 4 and 5 of the dissertations. Dr. Brown says that Chapter 5 is the part of our dissertations that people will read first.

Here is from where much of the content came:

Brownism – None for the day

Lunch Sammiches...The Melungeons were on campus today.

EDL 823 (Ch. & Ent.) – Poster Presentations.

PLP/Field Study – Dr. Norris went over the Portfolio with us and discussed the portfolio defense

Research Groups – We got to work with Methodologist individually and Dr. Brown went over Writing and Presenting your Dissertation. See

Evening – Beer for my horses.

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