At any rate, at 5:00 there was a forum/panel of 2nd year students for the 1st year students to ask questions. I would love to tell you all about it, but I failed to make the trip.
The banquet was interesting and hot (not Paris Hilton hot...just straight up hot). It probably would not have seemed as long had the AC been blowing. It was interesting for several reasons. We got to meet the LMU's new president, Dr. James Dawson. He made brief comments about this program improving our nation and got the hell out as soon as it was over. There seemed to be a motif. Maybe there is a new "mission" at LMU that includes national improvement. Each table had an American Flag as a center peice. We also got to meet the dean of the school of education, Dr. David Hand. It put me in the mind of the Mr. Hand from Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and since we were all there he took his "time." He read the trite list of excuses that some parents write. You know the ones about missing due to administrating. He also mentioned how our program will improve the nation. Anywho, Dr. Emberton is leaving. I do not know who that is. I remember her speaking in Knoxville when I was in a particulary offendable mood, so she is for ever on my left hand list. She did receive a painting of a horse. It had a very nice frame.
I did get a chance to meet Dr. Luke Wood. He seems like a very amicable fellow. He will be teaching the ethics class so we will not get to spend much time with him. My overall impression of him is positive. He walked me back to the dorm and we discussed the idea of the researcher as an instrument. He seems like a sharp guy. There is more information about him here:
The speaker, Dr. Edna Greene Medford,
was great, but your opinion of that may be relative to your fondness for Lincoln.
I miss the July folks. If you have any questions, let me know.
We miss you too! So was the food as delicious as I remember? How about the dorms? Are we going to be intermixed with the newbies? Have you hit the Oasis yet? Have fun and keep up the should be a hoot to keep up with Life at LP!!!
We miss you too! So was the food as delicious as I remember? How about the dorms? Are we going to be intermixed with the newbies? Have you hit the Oasis yet? Have fun and keep up the should be a hoot to keep up with Life at LP!!!
The dorms are mixed with old and new.
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